Today I wanted to try Broadway for the fun.
This is a display server packaged with GTK allowing display of a GTK app in a Web Browser.
I was remembering some topics about JS or Android versions, and I was proposing RDP/VNC alternative.
But there is a more simple solution.
Sadely yet I didn’t find a way to use directly AppImage binary (neither by extraction), so you would have to compile Synfig yourself and make reference to that build on the following script.
For example, I can reach it at
with a tablet and a Bluetooth mouse.
Have fun!
# Access SynfigStudio from your web browser at the address http://IP:PORT
# You can use for example a Tablet with a BlueTooth mouse
# Note: You may have to open the port in your firewall to access it from another device
IP= # The Ip of your interface
PORT=3131 # The Port
B_DISPLAY=:5 # A display number, 5 should be fine
# You can select a theme or let it empty for the default theme
# THEME=Adwaita:dark
# The path and name of your SynfigStudio build
BUILD_BASE=~/sources/synfig/_production/build # Depends on your system
BINARY=bin/synfigstudio # This should be untouched
# Don't modify below -------------------------------------------------
RUN_BROADWAYD="broadwayd --address=$IP --port=$PORT $B_DISPLAY"
# Start Broadway server
$RUN_BROADWAYD & </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
cd $PWD
# Kill Broadway server
if ps -p $PID_BROADWAYD >/dev/null
kill $PID_BROADWAYD >/dev/null || true
Edit: Added GTK THEME selection and modified for _production