Synfig Mac is here!

Wooo! can´t wait to use synfig on my mac, im really excited!

Hello everyone,
I am really not practical with all this IT issues (homebrew, fink, etc…).
I have tried my best but I did not succeed in installing Synfig on my macbook. I have tried it on a PC and it seems to be a great software. I would love to use it for a project that is expected to be completed in a couple of months (which means I need to start very soon)… do you have any idea when/wheter the installer will be available so that I know if I can wait for it or start looking for another software?

Thanks a lot and sorry for my IT ignorance!



I tried following your installation instructions and I got an error in the installation when I did this line:

The there’s a whole bunch of text but this is where it looks like things go wrong.

I’m almost an illiterate when it comes to this stuff but it looks like it may be missing some external libraries. Is there anything special I have to do before I run the scripts you’ve provided?

Here’s the rest of the message, if it helps:

Thanks for your help!


secondplanet, when building synfigstudio, synfig’s path must be known to render the icons based on the sif files. It seems that none of the synfig libraries path is known for the time synfigsttudio is being built.

I’m trying to build and am having the same issue.
Do you know of a way to set the path for Synfig during the build, or shall I wait for secondplanet?

I don’t know how to do that in a Mac. In linux you have to add the path of the installed libraries to the searching path so they are found at run time.

secondplanet, I tried again with the new link. It said this when I ran the install:

But it still failed saying:



We can give you access to edit download pages on the website - - so you can add your packages right there.

And upload packages to sourceforge/files


I’ve added you to the Synfig project. Please tell me if you can upload files.


I have created account for you, all details sent by e-mail.

I tried to install and gives me an error:
Captura de pantalla 2011-04-27 a las 23.56.24.png


I have noticed that the install for Mac OS X does not work for me either. I understand the bugs are still being worked out in this binary, but I was curious anyway about how it worked. I am glad that there will soon be a working .DMG binary for the Intel Macintosh. I am running a 2009 iMac with Intel Core i7 processor and 4 GB of RAM. It has XCode, X11, MacPorts, and I will establish Homebrew on it soon. I am running Mac OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard, so everything is current. Do you think that the fact I am running 10.6.7 is why it is not working? Or, is it an internal problem with the binary itself? Any assistance is duly appreciated. Thanks! :slight_smile: