I’ve had Synfig for about a year, but I’m only just starting to learn how to actually use it.
A huge thanks to Darthfurby’s Youtube tutorials.
I’ve had Synfig for about a year, but I’m only just starting to learn how to actually use it.
A huge thanks to Darthfurby’s Youtube tutorials.
flashman92, welcome here …
very nice visual introduction !
Ah, Excelent works Dude ^-^ I start to use Synfig in the 2012 and I remenber my First Attempt with synfig LOL was very Frusting, but I find some tutorials on youtube Then I keep going on, even I’m still learning things about synfig every time that I use it XD
Dont quit and going on :3
Thank you for your words of encouragement
I hope to reach your level of animation; I really want to be able to animate a slow turn/rotation animation like your dog has in your first example.
^-^ well, in this post ( [url]Colas - Opening Animation. (UPDATE)] )I put the .Sifz File to any one can download and can see how I do it.
Even if you want to do some tutorials on you tube my favorites are from Konstantin Dmitriev
Main Diference with my tecnique is that I dont use the Stickman, I’m still without understand how to use it properly XD But I use the Pencil and doodles to guide the Draw and the Animation.