SIF output extension to ship in Inkscape 0.49, needs testing

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Hi nikitakit
Can you test this svg file?
I get lots of unwanted repeated imported canvases.



That SVG file has about a dozen hidden layers. Inkscape doesn’t show them because they’re disabled, but my importer isn’t smart enough to catch that.

Hi there,

The importer worked very well! That svg file was originally being used to animate the figure (12 frames.) In inkscape I would select extensions => prepare for synfig, which would make viewable all hidden layers, then save as synfig file type.

The synfig file would have all those layers organized and retracing was quick and easy.

The inkscape extension has saved me a lot of time. Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m still using Synfig Studio and the Inkscape SIF exporter to do silly things:

One thing I’ve noticed is that the Inkscape SIF exporter saves a SIF file, whereas Synfig Studio saves a SIFZ file. I actually prefer SIF files, but have no idea how to make Synfig Studio save them as well.

Just add .sif as extension instead of sifz.

Does the extension suite for latest version of Inkscape only? Do we have to point it out in

I don’t have any idea whether the extension works with older versions of Inkscape or not. I’ve tested with Inkscape 0.48.1 and 0.49 trunk with Python 2.7, and ~suv on the Inkscape mailing list helped me with a patch so that it runs with Python 2.5.

The only setups that I know for a fact are broken:
Mac OS X Lion: All python extensions are broken on this platform (Inkscape bug)
PortableInkscape: Objects aren’t converted to paths because Inkscape doesn’t accept command line arguments
Python 2.4 and earlier: I don’t know anyone who’s using such an old version of Python

I am running the latest stable version of Inkscape and Synfig 0.63.02 on OSX lion now, I am also able to use the .sif export from Inkscape with great results!

Update the wiki page and highlighted as the recommended way converting svg to sif.

A copy of the SIF output extension is now in Inkscape trunk. This means it should ship by default with Inkscape 0.49, whenever it is released. At that point I plan to remove Synfig’s current SVG importing capabilities unless there are any objections.

I need all the feedback I can get! If you’re running a stable version of Inkscape and not 0.49-trunk, the download links at the start of the thread are still valid.

I found some complex svg files that will be tested again. I’ll do a report of differences found.

I would ask to do following:

  1. Remove existing svg import capability.
  2. Restore OLD import capability (that existed before akagogo’s patch) - it imports svg like an ordinary image, without editing capabilities/

Of course. Once the current svg importer is gone, it will default to the old behavior.

I can make this change anytime. I was planning to do it after Inkscape 0.49 is released, but if the Inkscape release timeline keeps dragging out I can do it earlier.

Using this exporter this morning I have two suggestions:

i) It would be helpful to have some easier way of converting Outlines to Advanced Outlines. Often I find I need to convert Outlines into Advanced Outlines in Synfig Studio so I can animate them. Whether this is something in Synfig or an option to export Advanced Outlines instead of Outlines in the exporter I don’t really mind.

At present you have to export the vertices of the Outlines, then connect them to an Advanced Outline, then disconnect. You also have to do adjust the colour and thickness too.

ii) It would be helpful if there was some way of reversing the order of vertices in an outline once the file is imported into Synfig Studio. If you want to animate an Advanced Outline in Synfig Studio that was created in Inkscape, often the vertices are in the reverse order to the order you want. “Rotate Order” doesn’t seem to quite do this - a “Reverse Order” would be great.

Yes, this feature is not fully implemented. I wrote the functions to convert the Outline to Advanced Outline internally but didn’t expose the interface to the user. I was trapped by the amount of new features/bugs I worked on Advanced Outlines from the two past releases. One fault from my side. I’ll try to ship it for the next release (after 0.64.04).

If the animation is not already done, you can animate form 1 to 0 as well as from 0 to 1. If the animation is already done you can change the animation direction using export value nodes: export the amount1 that goes from 0 to 1 and the other amount that want to from 1 to 0 convert it to Subtract and make it be:
amount2 = 1.0-amount1

Anyway it could be cool to be able to reverse bline direction with one user action. It is not difficult to code. :slight_smile:

Here’s something that puzzled me for five minutes this morning until I worked out what was happening.

.sif files exported from Inkscape seem to have no Z-Depth column in the Layers panel. As soon as you add some duration to the animation in the Caret Edit->Properties dialog the Z-Depth column appears again.

I’m not sure why this is, but I was trying everything to get my Z-Depth column back for a while!

I found SIF output extension great and very useful, for me it’s often part of my workflow … and it’s THE link between two world : modeling 2D, animating 2D.

What do you think of a feature request to add an option to transform text object from inkscape to text layer in synfig (in place of tracing text path)


In the process you’ll loose many of the goodies of Inkscape for rendering texts that are baddies for Synfig for rendering text. Possibly you only could import the text, the color, the size and the position. Is it worth to use Inkscape for that?


Yep not looseless, but, a text layer could great from my point of view.

Maybe this option (create synfig text layer from inkscape text object), could be implemented not has an option but has normal behavior when some text are present in inkscape composition : creating both path from text and an invisible(?) synfig text layer with only text position/color/size parameters …

Another things about texte rendered by sif output extension, is that all paths composing one inkscape text object
