Lottie export for the web doesn't work with Advanced Outline

Try this one. It may help.https://forums.synfig.org/t/my-import-export-plugin-svg-telegram-sticker-lottie-dotlottie/10929?u=kai

I tried it, that doesn’t work. It only adds option to export Telegram Sticker.

If I recall correctly, a new menu item appears in File menu: Export.

Export option doesn’t appear in File menu.
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
Synfig version: 1.4.1

Ops, sorry, only on (not-yet-released) development version.

Hi, this was the expected schedule for development. Export of Advanced outline layer is not implemented yet.

Advanced outline is now implemented at the master branch of Synfig :smiley:
Link for the same: [Lottie exporter] Add support for export of Advanced outline (#2199) · synfig/synfig@1c1c429 · GitHub

I encourage everyone to use this feature and report back if they face any issues/problems.


I saw some issues with corners with Advanced Outline, but with any (adv or not) Outline when looped. It doesn’t merge nice.

Example: Circle region + thick outline: there is a gap.

Can you upload the sample file please. :slight_smile:

Can I just have the zip file? So that I can extract it and put it in the plugins directory and use it. I tried to get it from here. And put it in the plugins directory, it didn’t work.

You will probably have to put it in the build directory. The path will look something like: _production/build/share/synfig/plugins.
After that the zip file you used should work fine.

If not, this might be helpful: Plugins — Synfig User Manual 1.4.0 documentation

Yeah, instructions on the Documentation say that you should place the folder in the plugins directory, I tried to put this directory into the plugins directory, but it doesn’t work (it seems I should build Synfig for it to work). I don’t want to build it. That’s why I am asking you to give me the final folder, which I can just put in the plugins directory.

Here you are.
lottie-outline-issues.sif (36,8,KB)
Captura de tela de 2021-07-11 11-16-38

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There was a change by Mattia Bassaglia for improving export plugins, so for now it is incompatible take directly from source code to 1.4.x versions (specifically plugin.xml syntax and lottie-exporter.py syntax).

Hey, @veermetri05 . Try this : How to test changes in Pull Requests — Synfig User Manual 1.4.0 documentation


I have used this commit id of Synfig for outline and advanced outline implementation purpose: GitHub - synfig/synfig at 15607089680af560ad031465d31878425af927eb

Attaching the screenshot of how this .sif file looks at this version of synfig:

Hence for now, the only problem is with the advanced outline layer. So my plan is to first look at the problems on advanced outline layer, and then update the lottie exporter according to the master branch versions of geometry: synfig/synfig-core/src/modules/mod_geometry at master · synfig/synfig · GitHub


Oh. Indeed there were some problems with advanced outline Konstantin reported later in 2020 for 1.4.0 release.

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I get errors while exporting.

Here is the file,
notification.sifz (47.8 KB)

I installed the lxml, and I created an Advanced Outline in a new file and just tried to export it, it didn’t give any errors. But when I tried to export my previous animation, which is

It gave me errors.

(I cannot select the text so I put the screenshot, also I can’t scroll down to see what the error actually says)

I have posted the fix here: [Lottie exporter] Resolves 'nan' exception in line_intersection by AnishGG · Pull Request #2227 · synfig/synfig · GitHub

Now the lottie exporter works fine on your notification.sifz file. But still, I was not able to run it on a web browser(it hangs, and I had to kill the process). This is because the animation is too heavy for any web browser.

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I have posted the fix here: [Lottie exporter] Another fix for advanced outline by AnishGG · Pull Request #2229 · synfig/synfig · GitHub

Took lots of time in debugging :disappointed_relieved:
Learnt the importance of variable declarations(used in CPP and not in Python)