Eminem Locker Room Bit - Congratulations with Chris D'Elia [Flash]

Just finished an animation based on the locker room segment from the congratulationspodcast


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can you explain how you rendered your animation, I’m having trouble rendering my animation. The rendered video is really bad with poor quality. thanks

@ShawnBello: It is done with Flash.
For support, please open another thread in the proper category.
@jali: Please add a notice in your posts when your artworks are produced with Flash.
I like a lot your artwork (as usual :slight_smile: ) but it has to be mentionned to avoid confusion with Synfig.

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@BobSynfig can you explain how to render a animation for the best results. I tried rendering my animation and the result wasn’t good. Thanks

@ShawnBello: For support, please open another thread in the proper category.
Thank you

@Gyromancer answered here: Humanity - Episode 2
Thanks to him