Winston cigarette commercial animation

Found some old SYNFIG animation I’d made ages ago that I’d forgotten about on my YouTube channel so thought I’d share it.

In it a wolf, a raccoon and a bear that I drew sing a song from a 1950s cigarette commercial.



flavored smoke :clap: :clap: for furry folk :clap: :clap:

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And don’t forget:
14g of CO2 per each :smoking:, 280g for a packet of 20,
while an average human being produces 700-900g/day breathing only.

Don’t smoke, eat chocolate! :no_smoking: :chocolate_bar:


:joy::joy::joy: Excellent! Right in line with the classic commercials. Nice work. I was just watching compliations of old cigarette commercials on YouTube a couple weeks ago. Surprising what the companies used to get away with, and even more surprising that they actually had cartoon endorsements like the Flintstones.