Where can I contribute to website translation?

I think the topic explains what I want :slight_smile:

Is it possible? I noticed some minor mistakes in pt_BR translation, that I’d like to fix.

Btw, are news posts translatable too?

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Hi @rodolforg!

Currently we are translating using Transifex Live online platform.
And, in fact, I don’t like this approach now.
The main problem is that there are no way to automatically push translations to website, this is done manually by people who has permissions to do that.
Also, the fact that we do not actually “own” translations is not good.

So, I am thinking about migrating to some Wordpress Translation plugin - Translatepress or WPML. There is also Weglot, but it is too expensive.

If there are any other options I will be happy to know (but we need a plugin which supports Elementor Page builder, which we use on website).

Will be happy to hear your thoughts on that topic. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, could you please give me access to pt_BR language?

In fact, they’re too expensive. I’ll try to spare some time searching for alternatives.

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Sure! Just send a join request via this page - Synfig Website localization | Transifex

I just afraid that if we migrate to some Wordpress Plugin, then we will loose all previous translation data (hosted at Transifex as .po files). So, my idea was to set up a Wordpress plugin and go with it. But you right - this probably will take time.

I have briefly looked if any of mentioned plugins allow to import translations form Transifex (via .po files), but seems there are no working out-of-box solution.

Consider, that the pricing of WPML and Translatepress is per year (not per month). So, I think it’s okay within our budget.

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@rodolforg I have assigned you a maintainer role at Transifex, so you now can push translations to live website.

Just make sure to have checkboxes for all languages enabled when you push.

If some language will have checkbox disabled, then this language will not appear on website, in language selection list. :slight_smile:

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