website FR translation


Synfig website has been translated to french… at least for the main pages. Please have a look at and comment.
If you want to contribute to the french content feel free to paste in this forum topic your own translation of any website page, I’ll gladly upload it.
I’ll be away for a few days… but be sure that your comments will be taken into account next week!


PS: Je ne suis pas très content du mot “versions” qui remplace “releases” un peu partout… toute suggestion de remplacement est la bienvenue. Elle doit cependant être courte pour ne pas compromettre la mise en page du site.


Bravo à toute l’équipe pour le travail fourni

Bravo, berteh. Bon travail.
Pourquoi tu n’aimes pas le mot “version”? Où est le problème?

well, since my old IBM days 00.62.01 (for me) reads:
Version 00 Release 62 Modification 01

There is not given rule I guess,
but for clarification reasons we should maybe just
define how we at Synfig like to use those terms.

We have nothing formerly decided but we are using the standard GNU major.minor.revision. When there is a good collections of changes that deserves a minor increase then we bump the second term. This time it was decided that the the current release is just a revision. Yes, we should write down a policy for that too.
(But is this the correct thread?)

maybe not, but which one is? :slight_smile:

My French is not good enough (well it is zero knowledge) to discover if your question was unrelated to the post. So I think, am I missing something with the french discussion of “version”? :blush:

my French isn’t very good as well, but can read some things…

Berteh said: “I’m not very happy with the term ‘versions’ that replaces ‘releases’ a little bit often… every suggestion for replacement is welcome.
While it should be short for not compromising the page layout of the site.”

While I translated this it came to my mind that maybe version and release might have been meant in the written text not as official terms…

Anyhow, I think, we should name things in a consistent way, even if we think we might use a term/word too often. If that is the correct name, that’s how it should be called…

Release is more related to the process of pack and publish and the version is related to a number scheme. Although you always release a new version of the program. You cannot “release” the same or older version.

Sorry for making a not-so-clear post from the start.

My point was: the french word “version” does not sound to encompass the idea of a download possibility… it’s closer to “history” or “revision” in essence, whereas “release” does.

It’s no big deal when you click on “téléchager” (i.e. download), but it’s an issue, for instance, when you’re on the news pages (, where the left menu mention of “versions” is indeed referring to “news about releases”.

So I did translate only this entry of “release” (in the menu of “news” page) into “téléchargements”, and leave all others as “versions”… if that’s fine for the ones who understand french and follow this topic :slight_smile:

I was indeed not referring to internal/technical naming scheme, as I’m no developer here, and think we should not publish that kind of info on the website (wrong audience).

Berteh Hello
I read your post, but I looked for another way to translate “release”, and I found nothing - most often, in french it’s actually “version”, or “release” is kept.
Your idea seems good, write “télécharger” to make it clearer in downloads :slight_smile:

hey, thx for clarification…