Under linux ubuntu exporting the video with ffmpeg doesn't works

Hello, I have this problem.

When I start exporting my animation into a video in ffmpeg format it doesn’t work: The compress steps works but absolutely no files are created in my folder.

I tried to export it using the command line:
synfigstudio.synfig ./mémoire.sifz -v 3 -t ffmpeg -a 3 -o ./zoom.avi

and it reports me some errors:
firsts are:
synfig(9895) [20:23:27] avertissement: Cannot open ./synfig_modules.cfg
synfig(9895) [20:23:27] avertissement: Cannot open /home/bourdon/snap/synfigstudio/1/.local/share/synfig/synfig_modules.cfg
synfig(9895) [20:23:27] avertissement: Cannot open /usr/etc/synfig_modules.cfg

last are:
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libflite_cmu_us_awb.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
synfig(9895) [20:23:28] avertissement: Broken Pipe…
synfig(9895) [20:23:28] avertissement: Broken Pipe…
synfig(9895) [20:23:28] avertissement: Broken Pipe…
synfig(9895) [20:23:28] avertissement: Broken Pipe…
synfig(9895) [20:23:28] avertissement: Broken Pipe…

and it repeats lot of times : synfig(9895) [20:23:28] avertissement: Broken Pipe…

and at the end not files are created.

I thought the library libflite_cmu_us_awb.so.1is missing in my system but apparently, it’s here because
the command"ldconfig -v |grep libflite_cmu_us_awb.so.1" return me somethiing.

In dv format it works!

Do you know where the problem come from?

Thanks for your answer


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Hi @nicobzz ! Sorry for a late answer. It looks like you are using the snap package. This issue should be resolved in version 1.4.0, we published it yesterday. Please check if it solves the problem for you.