0 pre-build
the essential tools and libs
pkcon install git autoconf automake gcc-c++ ccache libtool libtool-ltdl-devel gettext-devel libxml++-devel gtkmm24-devel
optional packs for rendering targets with rpmfusion enabled
pkcon install ImageMagick-devel ffmpeg
1 clone the source
mkdir ~/Source && cd ~/Source/ && git clone git://synfig.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/synfig/synfig
2 build
download the build script from synfig.org/wiki/Dev:Build_Instru … ild_script and modify it if needed (I changed install path to “~/Apps/Synfig/”), save as synfig-build.sh:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$prefix/lib/pkgconfig"
export PATH=$(pwd)/synfig-core/src/tool/.libs:$PATH
export CXX="/usr/bin/ccache /usr/bin/g++"
cd synfig/ETL &&
autoreconf --install --force &&
./configure --prefix $prefix &&
make --debug=b install &&
cd ../synfig-core &&
libtoolize --copy --force &&
autoreconf --install --force &&
./configure --prefix $prefix --enable-optimization=0 --enable-debug &&
make --debug=b -j $CPUS install &&
cd ../synfig-studio &&
autoreconf --install --force &&
./configure --prefix $prefix --enable-optimization=0 --enable-debug &&
make --debug=b -j $CPUS install
and then start to build
sh synfig-build.sh
3 test your build
4 to get updated with the latest changes
moving code base you regularly do
cd ~/Source/synfig && git pull --rebase
cd ~/Soruce/ && sh synfig-build.sh