Timeline display issue

Hi there,
Arald’s here and I’m a newbie in using Synfig. I’m french native speaker, so please apologize my strange sentences if it happens. I was an old user of Macromedia Director (I know that’s a long time ago that this soft was abandonned and this is clearly that I’m not clearly a young guy …)

So, if this topic has been already already covered, could you please indicate me where I can find the solution. Indeed, I’ve tried to find but I had no chance to catch it.

For of all, I’m using Synfig version 1.4.5, 64-bit windows 10 version 22h2

Here is my issue.

I encounter an issue when displaying the timeline and more specifically the timestamp jewel on the specific window.
To be more precise, each time I add a movement on a layer, after having entered into the “movement” mode, the timeline is updated. And there’s the problem appears. The line of the layer is systematically appearing outside of the displayed timeline window. That means that the control jewel are not selectionable or editable .
Herewith a pic of the problem.

Any idea on how to fix this issue?

What you call “timestamp jewel” or “control jewel”, Synfig calls it “Waypoint”.

There are two panels (actually three) that show the timeline in Synfig Studio.

  1. What you see right after Parameter Type column (i.e.the column labeled as “Axe de temps”); and
  2. The Time Track panel.

They are both equivalent. You are supposed to edit it mainly via TimeTrack Panel.

Hi @rodolforg,
Thanks for your clarification on the waypoint :slight_smile: I haven’t managed this topic far away enough.
I just understood that was a column in the parameter panel and that all changment upon a parameter will be shown in front of the line in the Time Track Panel.
Thanks a lot for your useful explanation.
All the best,