TimeLine, copy, cut and paste

I have a suggestion to make handling waypoints in synfig’s timeline more intuitive.
would it be possible to insert the functions copy, cut and paste the selected waypoints and not where the mouse is pointing?
this would make the animation work much easier for those who are animating.
I thank you in advance for your attention.

Sounds too complicated and destructive.

In a simple scenario, I’m assuming two distinct round-shaped objects; an apple and a ball, that the user would by mistake copy apple’s behavior waypoints to ball object and alas his/her canvas gets corrupted because the two objects’ properties are not the same. Again still assuming Synfig didn’t crash with the above apple & ball copy/paste and successfully renders the animation, you might probably see the ball not bouncing anymore when dropped from above in the final video.

In real-world complex animation with so many linked handles the multiple copy/paste thing would simply fail with the application crashing I guess. This is just my amateur guess so don’t read this in a serious “that’s impossible” tone LOL.

he point I proposed here is referring to copying the waypoints of the same layer.
copying the waypoints to another layer on a technical basis is not possible or would take a huge amount of work to develop.
one layer object is not compatible with another.
are deferential identifiers.