Synfig Studio AppImage 1.3 How can I render via CLI ?

Salamu alaikum,

I’m creating HomeSchooling educational resources for Kids. to be more precise for bilingual kids (Arabic, English and French).

Here is an example of my creations:

(The Animations have been created with Synfig since Version 0.6 and The Slideshows have bee created with OpenShot, both on Debian GNU/Linux).

I’ve just installed the Synfig 1.3 Dev AppImage, i render manually without problems, but i’m using synfig with my python scripting capabilities. That is why i really do need to use the Sunfig CLI. There is no documentation out there, so please, can anyone show me how to do it my Synfig-1.3-Dev appimage ?

Thank you all!

maybe you could have a look at this … mage/93/10


Execute like this:

./SynfigStudio-1.3.6-testing-18.01.26-linux64-600b6.appimage --appimage-exec synfig