Synfig-git on Gentoo - big stability problems

Hi to all.

I have started with some ancient ebuilds for synfig and made my own for ELT, synfig and synfig-studio.

I compile all of them from local git repository ( same repo for all three of them).

I’ve managed to compile it, but it is awfully unstable. It freezes after a couple clicks.

I’ve checked on YT and this seems to be the case with many installations, not just mine.

Even guys doing tutorial on YT had their program freeze a cuple times within 10 minutes.

So, is there some simple way to get to the root cause of this ( perhaps problematic version of some lib etc) ?

My machine is:
OS: Gentoo 64-bit, reasonable recent ( except kernel is 4.1.14, compiled from gentoo-sources)
GPU: HD6850, open-source radeon driver, mesa-11.1.0
CPU: Phenom x 4 955BE

glibc: 2.21
glib: 2.246.2
gtk+: 2.24.28, 3.18.6
mlt: 0.9.8
cairo: git

HEllo Brane212 and welcome here!

You should stuck on last stable tagged version. Current one is 1.0.2.

From gnu/linux point of view, i think it’s more stable than from others platforms.

OK, now it seems to have stabilized in a sense that it doesn’t freeze after a few seconds.

BUt still, each installation totally nukes all of my icon files. After “emerge ETL synfig synfigstudio” ( all three are installed from fresh local git repo) most of my icons on my XFce4 desktop dissapear. ( I ged blank “X” icon in their place). Same goes for my filemanager ( Thunar) etc.

TO get them back, I have to recompile whole xfce, which is major PITA.

Brane212 how do you build ? did you take a look to the autobuild folder ?


I did try autobuild, but since it choked several times along the way, I took a different route. Besides, that autobuild goes totally against Gentoo philosophy. It tires to do everything by itself, in a pretty non-trasparent way.

So on the site, there are several lint to Gentoo ebuilds. I used them as a starting point. Since Gentoo can use git/svn/etc repositories, i made ebuilds that git-clone your repo and then ebuildsa for ETL, synfig and synfigstudio build from there.

Here is my ebuild for synfigstudio:

[code]# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation

Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

$Header: $


inherit autotools git-2 libtool

DESCRIPTION=“Film-Quality Vector Animation (core engine)”

KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"

fmod? ( media-libs/fmod )

src_prepare() {
cd ${S}

epatch “${FILESDIR}/${P}-cstring.patch”

    libtoolize --ltdl --copy --force


src_configure() {
econf $(use_with fmod libfmod)

src_install() {
emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die “Install failed!”

dodoc doc/*.txt || die “Dodoc failed!”

insinto /usr/share/${PN}/examples

doins examples/*.sifz || die “Doins failed!”

insinto /usr/share/${PN}/examples/walk

doins examples/walk/*.{sifz,jpg,lst} || die “Doins failed!”
