Synfig 1.5.3 bug, shape/spline draw crash.
- Select a set from set list
- Add/draw a circle, rectangle, star or spline = Synfig crashes.
synfig 1.5.3 shape spline bug.sifz (3.0 KB)
OS Linux Mint 21.3
Synfig 1.5.3 bug, shape/spline draw crash.
synfig 1.5.3 shape spline bug.sifz (3.0 KB)
OS Linux Mint 21.3
This doesn’t happen in 1.4.5.
In 1.5.3 create a shape with shape tool and add shape or shape group to set. Select the set and draw another shape (circle, square) with shape tool then Synfig 1.5.3 crashes.
However creating a new unnamed set (+ icon) in the set list and selecting the hidden unnamed set and drawing a shape doesn’t result in a crash.
Workaround: Always create and select an unnamed set in set list (+ icon) before using shape tools. Then you can add the new shapes from the layer panel in any set.