I’m completely new to Synfig. Next year I have to teach some tools & I am looking for a free replacement for Flash. So I’m taking a look at Synfig. My first .SIF file represents just four objects: a couple of circles, one rectangle & an object resulting from using the Brush Tool. After saving & closing, I try to reopen the .SIF, but I get a warning:
Looking into the .SIF source, I find out that my brush-created object is not completely described there, but the source relies in a .PNG file:
I haven’t created that image file explicitly. Moreover, I’m not sure about Synfig havíng created it on its own. What I’m sure about is: neither Synfig nor I are able to find it (just in case it exists).
Who is doing something wrong? Synfig or I? How can I solve this problem?
I have installed the program today, the 1.0 version for 64-bit Windows. My OS is Windows 7.
What can I do?
PS: BTW, how can I insert blank spaces at the beginning of a text line in this forum? For indenting my name, for instance.