I’m drawing a face and I will like it to split it on different parts like jaw and mouth, forehead, etc. But I can not find a tool like “free selection” and another tool for cutting. Are these sort of tools available? or can it be done in a different way?
Each spline in Synfig comes with its own layer. You can name them and group them in the layer panel by selecting one or all of them, right click, and then select group layer.
You have to create your artwork already split on different parts. If for some reason the artwork is already done and you want to split it, the best current way is to duplicate the involved layers and remove the parts not wanted in each duplicated, so you can have two partial copies of your work that fits.
To remove several vertexes from a spline you just need to select them all with the mouse and then right click on one of them and select “Remove Items Multiple”.