I have an animation where I have a dog walking forwards but the camera is positioned behind him following his walk cycle. I would like for him to pass trees which would be placed on either side and gradually scale up in the scene. I would like it to scale up along a set path. However, when I scale up this obviously increases the base size of the tree and it no longer looks like it’s in the position it started in. Is their an easy way to do this? or do I have to reposition the tree frame by frame as it scales up?
Set origin/position handle (green dot) at tree bottom/root. Easiest is to select and move all the points of the vector shape and move so the green position dot is at the bottom. This green dot is then anchored to the path when doing path link.You could also make the advanced path have the position handle in the center of the line (vertical/horizontal). This can make things look less confusing when trying to solve path animation issues, you now its in the center. To move the entire path put it in a group and move the group, dont move the paths green position handle. This offsets path from object.
Animate along a straight path and scale the tree as it comes closer to the camera. Adjust the animated tree path to fit perspective. Tree path can be animated together with the trail so it follows the trail when it curves.