Does Synfig have the ability to animate a puppet in real time? I make videos / stream and I am looking for an open source program capable of animating like Adobe Character Animator. Ideally, I would love the animations to be triggered via commands or link to something like a webcam (like Facerig / Character Animator)
Hi and welcome here
In short: No
The requested features are not even expected to come one day.
Synfig is a 2D animation software mostly done for cartoons
I work a bit with this idea. But it goes slow… with a project out of synfig
based in n-point deformation (ARAP)
I’m interested in animating 2D cartoons, just in real time. Thanks for your help. I will keep searching.
If anyone knows of a Adobe Character Animator like alternative, please let me know.
I comence my alternative. But recien beginning…
The main problem is to generate a render in real time and in what format to record mocap movements.
I think that this this much better. The mouth falls him a bit but already podria use for something…
only with OBS
This work. It is necessary to adapt it to a rig generic.
Also I was adapting some characters in 2.5D
I have to think in a sif2blend
Everything borders on the “uncanny valley” that still needs a toonsynth that animates instead of doing an imitation.