quinema: pixel animation tools for synfig

Tools for Animation

  • quinema-escalar: It increases the image’s resolution.
  • quinema-sombra: It adds shadows to drawings in another layer.
  • quinema-paleta: It extracts the palette used to paint a drawing.
  • quinema-gimp-convert: It converts gimp formats to other formats (joining layers or not)
  • quinema-video: It generates a video from a sequence of files (png, xcf, etc)
  • quinema-lst: It generates a X-sheet to import to syfing.
  • quinema-transparencia: It deletes the white background and leaves a transparency
  • quinema-synfig: It make automatic project



Original Image

quinema-escalar -s 4 original.png escala-4.png

-s This parameter indicates the scale to increases (or resize) the image.

quinema-escalar -s 4 -p 160,1 original.png escala-4.png

-p This parameter removes a selected part and leaves a transparency.

Note: This program is very useful to scan in black and white (1 bit of colour) faster and to obtain an good resolution image for animation.


quinema-sombra -p 1,1 j01.png sj01.png

It adds shadows and generates a xcf editable in layers.

cd trenzas quinema-sombra -p 1,1 .

It adds shadows and generates a xcf editable in layers for the complete directory.

Gimp Converter

quinema-gimp-convert j01.xcf j01-sombra.png 

It converts of xcf or psd to other formats.


quinema-gimp-convert j01-color.png > paleta.gpl

It extracts the palette for gimp, then we can use it with gmic to paint sequences of images.


quinema-transparencia j01-color.png j01-color2.png 

It deletes the white background and leaves a transparency

List to synfig (X-Sheet)

cd trenzas quinema-lst 

This generates a X-sheet to import to synfig, named “trenzas.lst”

cd trenzas quinema-lst -i 

It does the same that the previous, but deduces the intervals between each frame, using artificial intelligence (**experimental*)

Preview video

It generates a video from a sequence of images.

cd trenzas quinema-video

The images must to be all inside the same directory and it must be named with a letter to the start and to continuation a series of numbers. For example: “j01.png” o “a001.xcf”

cd trenzas quinema-video trenzas.lst 

It generates a video from the X-sheet.

Generate Synfig Studio project

make a project

cd e5t2 quinema-synfig . > e5t2.sif cd e5t2 quinema-synfig . | gzip -f - > e5t2.sifz

Final automatic scene

Download & install: github.com/4232/quinema