Project Angel


Project Angel is a short animation. It is a music video. The duration of the animation is about one minute and it is built using Open Source technology. To get more information about the project you can check out my website .
I have been posting some drafts in my youtube channel .
As the main objective of this project is to promote Open Collaboration, Open Art and the use of Open Source Technology, I have create a google code project to host the source files of this project. At the moment it has all the synfig files for each shot, the drawings of the storyboard and the lilypond file I use to create the music.
If anyone is interested in helping, please let me know.

M Open Studio

Interesting story! Only with that you have more than 50% of success.
Drawings are ok but I would work a little more the timing of the animation. Things looks to move so slow.
In any case good work and good luck!

Thanks. I will try to get the timing better on the next draft.

I’m also creating some tiny animations around this project. The first one is called the fall: The fall


It’s cute!

In walking I like to add a rotation layer placed about ankle high on a character and then add some tilting as the person walks. Really… that’s all I do for walking, hehe… that sway is PIVOTAL to making it look natural! lol… that’s a pretty good pun.

Thanks for your comment. I learned about the rotation layer after I did this tiny video :frowning: . But this is the main reason I’m doing this videos, to learn about synfig. I found a good video o youtube about rotation layers: Synfig- Bones Animation Effect

I tried to use it in my second mini-video: Changing , but I did a mistake when I draw the legs: there is not knee and the ankle is hard to move without looking weird.


Ha ha, it has animation! looks good to me becuase style fits the animation.
Keep it up!

I like what I see :slight_smile:


I have published the last version of the animation. I will live it as it is for now as I want to work in another project. So this is the result:

Cursed Angel

I loved it…waiting for the full video :slight_smile:

I loved it…waiting for the full video :slight_smile: