Polar Detective -- Prologue


It’s up! :smiley:

I have problems watching the video here. :frowning:
Maybe you have Vimeo link too?

Unfortunately, I haven’t. :blush: What problem are you facing? I could fix it depending on that.

Hmm, the video seems to be stuttering on Youtube… I wonder what’s causing it.

No problems watching the vid on youtube here.
My sushi!!! It’s great, by the way! Very nice result. Me like it a lot! You must have put some really long hours in this.

Switched to other computer and network and now it plays fine. Great prologue! Looking forward to see first episode.

This is probably the cream of the crop in Synfig animation. Have you taught about using Kickstarter/Indiegogo

I have, yes. I planned an entire “season” of Polar Detective, but lacked the proper funding, resources (both computer and volunteering help) and time to fulfil that season.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how far Kickstarter could go. I’m currently unemployed, trying to seek financial stability, and this is precisely what’s stopping me. I don’t want to use those funds for my sustenance; I want to use them for equipment, hiring, etc. so those funding the series would get the maximum quality they deserve.

But I’ve no idea how to plan that sort of thing. XD I’m so disorganized.


Nice animation … nice camera mouvements … very fluid & dynamic
I like it, even with this “rare” accent is and some speach i do not understand

Please let us dream… can you shortly talk about the workflow you use…
and tell us what you have animated “out/in” synfig studio… (smoke ? , city ? , head movement ? …)

… please, can you do less marketing for this company (more or less 10% of your posts) ? but for sure it’s “permit” to talk about en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison … g_services in this forums …

a crowd funding to buy an organizer ??? :mrgreen:


(extra notes : candles are not animated until 32s :wink:

What do you mean by “out/in”?

Hmm, it’s hard to talk about the workflow, since most of the time I just improvised. Well, let’s see…

I laid out some basic (horribly drawn) story-board, scene-by-scene (though I should have made animatics right after that, I didn’t; made a bad choice here). Then, I planned each scene accordingly.

First, I set up the “specs” of the shortfilm – 1080p, 24 fps (which was, at first, actually 15 fps, but I had to make changes later), etc. – arranged the voices in Blender’s video sequencer. Once I was satisfied with the “audio feel”, I began to take note how many frames each scene would be (on paper). Then I simply split all the Synfig files per scene, simply because I didn’t have a proper workflow yet (because I should totally make use of “Export Canvas” feature for scenes now, or find a better alternative).

I imported the location and characters onto the scene, depending on requirements, and drew additional stuff with the Bline (now “Spline”) tool, and set up a working rig for each character (which was a pain in the neck, but absolutely essential) just as you would have in a 3D model, but without bones and with transform tools. I at first animated them without lip-syncing, just to see if the fit well, and everything went well.

…and then comes the lipsyncing part. For the first half of the production, I was frustrated as hell with it, enough to make me wanna vent here in the forums (though, considering how hard the developers here work, I know I shouldn’t have. Sorry… XD). Then half-way through, I decided, “You know what? To hell with this…” and just made two shapes for the mouth, and just dragged way-points around randomly, to give the illusion that it’s actually well-synced (well, it isn’t).

After each scene was done, I rendered them in PNG sequences and imported them in my Blender Sequencer, just to see if it played well. If yes, then it stayed there.

And… that’s basically it, actually. The more challenging bits were the 3D composition, modelling and lighting, and integrating them with Synfig renders (you know those scenes). Finally, I added the sound fx, and editted soundtracks to fit the scenes.

After everything done, I just set the sequencer ready, and rendered them all in one video-file – at first as demo in low-res, just to see if everything worked well, and then the final as high-res MKV file with particular codecs. The Blender rendering of the video file itself took more than 8 hours long; then again, rendering Synfig scenes took just as long per few scenes too, because I was enthusiastic about HD and I have a very crappy computer…

As for your specific questions:

  1. The Smoke was frustrating, because of CPU limitations. The idea is simple in theory, just move weird shapes with translate and rotate layers from one place to another, group and blur them, and reduce opacity at the end of the animation. Then, just add that to “Time Loop”. Make as many similar layers as you like, but using different shapes and different locations and time, etc. I even used some distortion layers for the heck of it. XD

  2. The city was initially made in Inkscape, then imported to Synfig. But half-way through production, I couldn’t bother redoing most of the scenes (even though I had to in some scenes) so I just made a 3D model of the city. Well, it turns out that was even more tedious and time-consuming… but it was fun in any case. Besides, the effects achieved were pretty awesome!

  3. The head movement wasn’t too complicated. You basically just rig it to the over-all character model with layers like Translate and Rotate (usually just Rotate, though, so the head remains attached to the body). But scenes where head-turning and sort is needed, I simply took cues from the Morevna project, and changed blines similarly.

  4. As for the Camera, I actually didn’t need the “Camera widget” lurking around here in the forums, because it only took me two layers to have my own camera in the scene (and it was pretty convenient too). Just place Translate and Scale at the very top of the layer structures, and you’re good to go. Honestly, these layers are one of the many reasons that keep me clinging to Synfig. XD

I know. Half-way through, with the amount of time it took to render the damn thing, I didn’t bother. xD

thank’s for this tartine ! very interesting.

It was a two questions in one:
What you have animated inside synfig ? What you have animated outside synfig ?

Ah! Well, then only things I animated outside Synfig are the 3D scenes. Such as the first scene, last scene, and the one with the phone-booth door opening. 8)

Though, Rudolf’s shadow in the last scene was done in Synfig, then exported to PNG sequence. I simply textured a flat Plane with that sequence in Blender.

haha, it’s good