Path trail animation examples

Here’s some examples for those who are new to path animations. Different methods are used in the examples to create a trail or path animation effect. Maybe you find something useful here or something that sparks an idea to start your own project.

Download Synfig 1.5.3 projects here:
map_trail_path_animation.sifz (15.3 KB)

object fire trail follow curve warp deform 1.sifz (5.0 KB)
object fire trail follow curve warp deform 1_2.sifz (5.2 KB)
object trail curve warp deform colored lines 2.sifz (5.0 KB)

star_path_animation_several_advanced_paths.sifz (16.0 KB)

road_animation.sifz (5.2 KB)
road_animation_curved_2.sifz (5.8 KB)

script_animation.sifz (29.6 KB)


Just wan’t to expand on the star path trail animation and linking handles:
Position handles (green dots) should not overlap since the link will connect without offset. If you duplicate an advanced outline select it first in the layers panel then shift + drag the new green position handle. Don’t select the orange handles and move! This doesn’t create an offset for the linking. The green dots position handles needs to have space between them for this kind of linking to work.

Linking an object to spline:
Select the object and spline/outline. RMB over spline/outline area (not the outline orange dots!) > Link to spline