Orientation Greetings...

Hello there,

I am a 35-year old graphic designer living in the United States. I would love to compile Synfig for I love animation and would love to learn how to produce it for film. I currently use Flash and Photoshop for my needs, but would like to use open source software more. I use a Macintosh G4 for my computing needs, hence my problem. No Mac OS X build of Synfig. So, I will extensively use this forum to suit my needs and learn more about compiling Synfig. Thanks.

Hi artisan2174
it is great that you join to synfig and use it for your artwork and animations. Unfortunately it is difficult to us to help you because most f us don’t have a mac to test the build. I offer all my encouragement on that task and the best wishes to a good researching.
Maybe you can contact to ulrik. He is the only forum member that has recently build synfig under Mac. his email is in his profile I think.
