My temporarily retirement

As your probably already know, I’ve been father last October 25th. His name is Pablo and he’s growing up happily.

Possibly you have noticed that I’m not active lately on forums, or social networks. I guess you can imagine the reason :wink:

This means that I’m out from coding during this period too. I expect to join back to coding as son as possible but I can’t promise a date. Attentions to my wife and my son are using all my (literally) time.

I would continue taking care of mailing list administration and code merging on master, this last one just for formal administrative rules, because most of the pull request come from people with experience in coding synfig, and my role is just review changes (maybe to prevent a rollback) and accept the pull request to master. Notice that I wouldn’t do compile or build tests for any platform for obvious reasons.

So my usual forums replies for users support, would be decreased to zero, as well as the feature or bugs discussions.

I hope you handle all this right without me. Now you’re free from Genete, so things will go faster :smiley: :smiley: :mrgreen:


Thanks for the great work here, Genete

Enjoy your family and see you soon. :smiley:

Congratz, dad!
Enjoy the diapers and the sleepless nights :mrgreen: and we will try and hold the keep for you untill you return :wink:

That’s good news. Congratulations Genete!
Enjoy your family, we’ll be fine. :wink:
See you soon!

Congrats Genete! See you again here soon.

Congratulations Genete! It’s gonna be tough without you on the forums, thanks to you I’m a Synfig believer, but family comes first and I wish you all the best!

Egad! I didn’t notice this until late…

Congrats, Gen! Little Pablo’s gonna be so proud! :smiley: