I recently discovered the awesome open source software that is Synfig, and would like to create a short ~ 2 minute animation. However, I am not well versed in Synfig, and would like to potentially pay people if they could help out with the animation. Also I looked on the forums for a classified section but did not see one. Finally, if this is something your interested in shoot me a private message or post a reply.
Have you got someone to work for you or not?
I found someone to start the animation on a freelance website, but if they don’t submit any previews / updates in a day or two, do you want me to hit you up?
I haven’t received any updates from the freelancer, and will probably terminate the contract come Monday if I don’t hear anything. Would you be interested in working on my project / animation? And yes this would be a paying gig.
You can search freelance websites.