Looking for Arabic translation for Synfig UI

Hi everyone! I am looking for someone who can translate Synfig UI into Arabic. Anyone interested? Any ideas where to look for contributors?

You could look at some popular projects on Github (in .po files) or Transifex
For example with VLC:
Sure you will find some volunteers :slight_smile:

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Hi Konstantin, It is great to support Arabic in synfig. I have tow interns whom major is translation, working on translating Scribus into Arabic. They are now good for tech translation field. Our goal is to complete arabic scribus translation in one month form now. We are no 75% complete.

If you don’t find a translator, we can take the project.


.Hello there ,i can help you


Hi. I am interested.
Ps: I am currently working within a team translating Scribus into Arabic.


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for such a great response! ^___^
We are using using Transifex service, so you all can collaborate on translation online.
Please sign up and send me join requests via this page - https://www.transifex.com/morevnaproject/synfig/

Thank you again!

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Much thanks to everyone who contributing to Arabic translations! First results of your work are already available in latest development release, Synfig Studio 1.3.13! - https://www.synfig.org/2020/03/17/synfig-studio-1-3-13-released/ :slight_smile: :tada:

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Great … It will take time till translation finished.


Now we reached 52%. Thanks for Taha.



Much thanks to everyone who contributed to translation! The translation is 72% complete now and it is shipped with Synfig 1.3.14 - https://www.synfig.org/2020/05/07/synfig-studio-1-3-14-released/ :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone!

Less than 30% remaining to translate! Who can help to make a final push? :slight_smile:

Still looking for someone who can help finish Arabic translations. Your help is much appreciated! :slight_smile:

post it in my twitter hoping someone will help :blush:

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Thank you so much! :slight_smile: