Is "Render split" a problem?

When I render a scene, I always see something like

synfig(213100) [02:36:06] info:         w: 1920, h: 1080, a: 1, pxaspect: 1.000000, imaspect: 1.777778, span: 9.178780
synfig(213100) [02:36:06] info:         tl: [-4.000000,2.250000], br: [4.000000,-2.250000], focus: [0.000000,0.000000]
synfig(213100) [02:36:06] info: Render split to 1 block 781 pixels tall, and a final block 299 pixels tall

Is there a problem here? (Other than me working at 2am.)

Because Synfig (still) renders mainly via software, some machines may present RAM memory limitations while in this process.
So, it splits image into tiles when it is bigger than a hard-defined size somewhere in its source code.

There are some rendering artifacts that I think may be related to this splitting, like with radial blur layer.

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Thank you! Yes, I’d noticed the radial blur issue. Is there a good workaround? (Otherwise I’ll postprocess it in Python, but that’s rather hacky)

Without coding, there isn’t a workaround.

I proposed a solution: refactor: increase the pixels per frame without render split in Target_Scanline by rodolforg · Pull Request #3205 · synfig/synfig · GitHub .
It increases the current limit of 1.5M to 9M pixels per frame, that support 4k without splitting.

Such 4k UHD frame would require around 36MB on RAM…

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Thanks. Good thought. I suppose if you want that you may as well get yourself terabytes of RAM and swap space up to your eyebrows. Everyone else can carry on as they are.