Importing Animated Bones Into Video game engines


I am beginning to learn how to game development games as a hobby. I saw a program called Spine where you animate a vector drawing, animate it than import it into a game engine such as Construct 3, Godot, Unity, etc?

Is this possible to do this with Synfig using the bones feature after creating an animation? If so is there a guide that teaches the steps of how to do it?

Thank you :slight_smile:

With Synfig, you have the ability to export your animation as a PNG spritesheet, which can then be utilized in Godot or any other game engine.

Thank you for the reply and video. The original question is regarding how to upload a complete animation created in Synfig to a game engine using a tool like SPINE or DRAGON BONES. I saw a post after researching the question that this has been strongly suggested to the developers YEARS ago and was ignored and basically declined. There was another tool called (Lottie) which is a plugin. But from what Iโ€™ve read had not been implemented to export bones.

Is this in development?? ( Bones into the lottie plugin)

If not I donโ€™t need to waste my time with the software anymore at least for this usage

To make it short, Synfig is not what you look for.