How to drag to select multiple waypoints on Timetrack?

I’ve seen from the below links that it’s possible to drag a box around multiple waypoints on the Timetrack to select them all (up to now, I’ve been Ctrl-clicking each one, which gets rather tedious), but I can’t get this to work. When I hold the left mouse button (or right mouse button) and drag, no box appears. Is this feature only in a certain version or something?

The below says “Implemented via #/1135.”:

The below shows the box in operation:

Timetrack bug - YouTube

I’d love to be able to use this selection box as it’d hugely speed up my workflow, but I can’t seem to get it to work. FYI, I’m using SynfigStudio-1.4.4-2022.12.25-linux64-b8d62.appimage from fosshub (can’t put the actual download link, as it seems I’m limited to two links per post).

Thanks in advance.

Yes I believe this was added in 1.5.0.(Synfig 1.5.0 Release Notes — Synfig User Manual 1.5.1 documentation)

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Thanks for the swift reply. I’ve just grabbed the development snapshot of 1.5.1 and it appears to be working. I’ll test it and report any bugs.

This change has improved my workflow immensely - thanks very much to the developers for implementing!