How export image as svg?


I would like to know if this is possible to export image in svg. I know it isn’t most popular extension but in my case it would be helpful. I designed logo in synfig for the club and export to svg would be perfect.

I found on wiki sif2svg but link there doesn’t work.


As far as I know, you can’t export to svg from Synfig.

I attached the file that was missing from Synfig wiki (found it in Google’s cache) so you can try it on your work.

Alternatively, if your logo have simple shapes, you can try rendering it as png from Synfig and then trace it in Inkscape (Path -> Trace bitmap). But it’s an ugly and very limited solution, that’s for sure. (2.6 KB)


Thank you! It works, I tried earlier to find file but I couldn’t

I wish that export the layers with imagenes. It is possible?

only export:

  <error type="group"/>
  <error type="translate"/>
  <error type="zoom"/>
  <error type="switch"/>
  <error type="switch"/>
  <error type="switch"/>
  <error type="switch"/>
  <error type="switch"/>
  <error type="switch"/>
  <error type="switch"/>

I dunno.
I didn’t write the script and I am not even interested in exporting sif to svg, so if you want some additional functionality, you are on your own.