I’ve tried searching here and all over the internet and can’t find a simple answer to this question. Is it possible to trim in Synfig, and if so, how? If not, how do you trim your videos? I need to cut out parts of my animation to make it shorter. Thanks!
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Hi and welcome here
In general, Synfig is used to produce parts of an animation (preferably in lossless format).
Then you assemble the parts in a Non-Linear Video Editor (KDEnlive, Olive, DaVinci Resolve, Blender …)
Another way to do trimming in the beginning or at the end is to render only from a specific frame to another specific one.
You can also define keyframes (not waypoints) and move them at the proper timestamp, but it is more difficult than just do the assembly outside.
Personally, I cut with a video editing software “kdenlive”, then you have to use an import of png images in “synfig studio”.
This is the easiest.