How can I do a horizontal or vertical flip?

I’ve imported this SVG into Synfig have clicked the “Children Lock” option and I simply now want to do flip this image horizontally or vertically.

How can I do this?

I’ve tried using the Mirror tool on the Inline Canvas but it does nothing.

Select the imported image and use the 2 ducks on the corners to flip it.

There aren’t any ducks in the corner, just one in the centre

The more secure way to achieve that on complex compositions is to place a Stretch layer onto the composition and set its amount value to this:

Amount = (1, 1) does nothing
Amount = (1, -1) mirror by x axis
Amount = (-1, 1) mirror by y axis
Amount = (-1, -1) mirror by x and y axis

(Note: if you have pixels as Synfig system units you have to remember that 1 Synfig unit is equal to 60 pixels by default)

Good luck!

Thanks for the help, it worked

For future reference, is there not a simple flip function that I could use?

Both these methods are pretty simple. 2 seconds for the method I suggested, if the ducks are displayed, 4 seconds for the stretch layer method. I haven’t done it, but I imagine that the mirror tool would work if the corner ducks on your image are selected.

Try doing it. Unless there’s some option that I missed then there are no corner ducks on that imported svg, even when converted to a sif.

Ok, I had to download a funny cow clipart so I could check into this for you. :slight_smile: I I was just assuming it was importing it as an image… wrong :frowning:

When I imported it, it came into the program encapsulated. When you click on it you are seeing the location duck for the “group”. If you right click on the encapsulation and hit “select all child layers”, it will select all the ducks inside the group. CTRL+A to select all those ducks and you can scale and rotate your item.

Sorry for the confusion I’ve wrought. :slight_smile:

Thanks! That seems to have solved it! It is still annoying that there isn’t a one-click option (see Tupi) but these two options provide me with enough options. Genete’s right about using a stretch layer being the safest way of doing this.

Is there a way to rotate it incrementally along the x, y,or z axes? I have a really cool idea for a touchscreen desk effect, but I can’t film my desk from directly above. I’d also like to use some form of masking or rotoscoping, but the tutorial on the main site seems to be geared toward those with a little more knowledge than I.

You’ll have to clarify a little. Rotation IS on the X and Y. You can animate it using a rotation layer and the “amount” parameter. Make your drawing, encapsulate it, then add a rotation later above it but within the encapsulation. Then you can just change “amount” move along the timetrack then change it again… In animation mode of course.

As for masking, etc. Maybe start a new thread for that topic. It depends on what you want to do. Please explain.

About masking:

Thank you both for your replies, and I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear about my goal. I’m trying to make the effect that my glass desk is a futuristic touch desk, and to do that I’ll need to add effects that rotate away from the camera slightly so that they appear to be flat on my desk. As for masking, I’d like to have my hand or finger cover up part of the effect, but not all of it.
I’ll gladly post a new thread if you think I should.
Again, thank you for taking your time to help me.

Use Warp Layer.

Thank you G, that worked perfectly. As for the basic masking tutorial, there must be something I’m not getting. I set te blend method of the mask to Alpha Over, as the tutorial states, but all I can see is the canvas behind my video.

Without see the composition I cannot help on what’s wrong. The forum admits sif(z) attachments.

“all I can see is the canvas behind my video”

Try encapsulating your character with the alpha-over region. Things in an encapsulation only effect other things in the encapsulation. If you don’t do that then you alpha-over your background too.

Gentlemen puts on sunglasses it worked perfectly. Thank you all.