How can I convert a curve to an area?

Suppose I have a complex shape. I edited it a lot, and suddenly I realize I want it to be filled inside.

Do I have a chance to do this somehow automatically?

I tried to create a bogus polygon, and then to link the vertices of the poly to vertices of the outline - didn’t work.

I tried to export the vertex list from the outline to import them into the polygon… but I couldn’t find how I can import a exported value (what’s the meaning of the exported values then?).

As a sidenote, in Inkscape there aren’t “outlines” and “polygons”, any outline can be filled inside just by choosing a fill color other than transparent. If you don’t want it filled - you make it transparent, that’s all. If you want just the fillet, not the outline - you set the outline to transparent. I think Synfig would benefit from a reduction in number of primitives, also this would increase flexibility. Just add a few “fill” attributes to the new extended curve primitive.

You should use a region layer rather than a polygon layer.

  • Export the vertices parameter from your outline layer. Select exported value in children panel.
  • Create an region layer, select vertices and connect.

Alternatively select both the Outline Layer and the Region layer and right click on the Vertices parameter and select ‘Link’. This way doesn’t garantee what’s the shape that is kept because it depends on some rules to decide what’s the value to drop and which is kept.

Specially in Advanced Outlines the Vertices parameter is permenently and internally linked so the export operation that rylleman said is needed always.


Open and compile the project in Visual Studio.
Start ArcMap and load a line feature class containing features that approximate curves.
Click the Customize menu and click Add-In Manager. The Add-In Manager dialog box appears.
Make sure that there is a CurveConversion add-in available.
Click Customize. The Customize dialog box appears.
If the add-in was not on the Add-In Manager dialog box, browse to the location of the add-in and select the .esriAddIn file located in the projects bin\Debug folder.
Under the Commands tab on the Customize dialog box, select the Add-In Controls category, select the Curve Conversion command, then drag it onto a toolbar.
Close the Customize dialog box.
Start an edit session and select one or more polyline features. The polyline features you select should approximate curves (that is, import them from a coordinate geometry [COGO] coverage).
Click the Curve Conversion command and complete the dialog box that opens. The tolerance and update field are optional parameters.
Click OK. A progress bar appears at the bottom left of your ArcMap session.
Hope It works!

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