Horizontal blur line

Hi, i have a similar issue.

I have two radial blurs that blend with each other.

The problem comes over a certain resolution threshold.

Specifically i have this weird result when i render in 1080px (FHD)

But everything it’s ok when i resize it to 720px…

If i use “final” as render method in the canvas, i can see the problem (Only if i zoom enough).

What i need:
I can upload only one file, sorry

What i get:

Ps. Don’t consider the black X over an unrelated blur.

Basically there seems to be a line dividing them, preventing them from mixing.

What i’ve tried:

  • If i hide the top left blur (and related object) the problem still comes…
  • Different quality and antialias from min to max.
  • In ‘Other’ section tried several combinations of options.

Anyone know how to help me with this?

Thank you in advance!

Have you tried rendering the scene yet? Does the seam appear in the final render? I was not able to recreate your problem on my Linux machine. The double radial blurs just combined for me.

Yes, i’ve tried several ways of rendering (Png, Video, Jpeg) with different options and resolutions.

Only at around 720px (Or lower) the render is how it should be.

Did you tried with High resolution render? (1080p or +)

Today i will see if i can replicate the problem in a simple project file so i can share it with you.

Maybe it’s a windows rendering problem…

We will know that soon.

Thank you for helping me!

I’ll be back in some hours with the project!

https://we.tl/t-g5RKJZO1TX (valid until 08/Sept/2021)

Here a wetransfer link, with a render with my problem (in 1080p) and the related project file

I’ll re-upload your files for convenience and archiving. Thanks for creating it by the way. It’s a big help for the dev team.

Blur Error Example.sifz (1.2 KB)

I actually got the same result when I rendered the scene to png, however my canvas preview looked fine even in final rendering mode. I guess I should have tried rendering earlier. I also got the same results in v1.4.2.

I don’t really know enough about graphics processing to take this much further, hopefully this will be helpful to someone who does.

Here are my system details:
Synfig Studio
2D vector animation studio

Development version:
Revision: 20210823
Branch: master
Revision ID: c29dddf

Built on Aug 29 2021

Built with:
ETL 1.7.0
Synfig API 01.04.00
Synfig library 50
GTK+ 3.24.20
GNU G++ 9.3.0

Synfig 1.7.0
GTK+ 3.24.20


It was the same for me, but if you zoom in enough into the intersection area, you will probably (like me) see the problem in the preview area as well (maybe slightly different from the rendered image, depending on the zoomed area).

Ps. I think you must have the canvas in 1080px (min) to see the problem in the preview.

Happy to help!