Hi from southwestern Germany

Hi everybody,

though it was somewhat tricky to get an account here (possibly the first test whether I’m a robot or not) I finally succeeded. Regarding education I am actually scientist (physics) but work in free economy. In my 2nd life I am musician, compose and produce my own songs (partly together with others) and due to a special history also started to make my own videos.
Recently I felt the strong desire to include animations in my videos, started to search for free Software and finally got stuck with Synfig. So I am here to share and learn as most of you are probably as well. I will post my first project to the “finished works” forum soon and look forward to constructive Feedback of any kind. If someone should be interested in technical details of my work, I’ll be happy to provide those (though I’m far from being an expert) if I find the time (unfortunately I am quite busy with my regular job).

Kind regards from southwestern Germany,

Welcome! I’m also new and had to find the confirm mail first in the spam folder. :mrgreen: