Hey I am Riya! :)

Hello everyone!

I am Riya Raj, currently a sophomore pursuing Computer Science Engineering at Vit, Vellore, India.
Was looking for different organisation to contribute to and came across this amazing one. I am amazed to look at the stuff happening here. I’d love to be a part of this vibrant community and contribute to the organisation as I have always been very fond of animation.
I need some guidance with my initial contributions, would be great to get in touch with current contributors and mentors!

Thank you :slight_smile:


Welcome, Riya Raj!

How do you like to contribute? Coding? Translating? Documenting? Something else?

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I code in C++ and Python so I would love to contribute as a coder. I have been using synfig since school and would love to give back to this wonderful community.

You could check https://synfig-docs-dev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
And for some ideas https://github.com/synfig/synfig/issues


On GitHub, you may want to search for “good first issue” or “easy” labels.