Maybe you’re not aware of it but Synfig Project needs help!
It might look like a topic but this time the thing is coming real.
As you already might know, Synfig Team is very narrow. Let me place here the current status of it:
(This is a personal view of the situation and me and only me is responsible of its content. If someone else noticed to be not mentioned, please complain!. Older regular contributors aren’t mentioned because the list will be endless)
Nikitakit: Coder (regular coder), forum support, IRC support
Status: taking a breath from Synfig code. Lately dedicated to svg2sif Inkscape exporter, after that will have Synfig vacations. Dunno when or if will return. See viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3024
Jcome: Coder (starter coder), forum support
Status: Recently incorporated to the team starts to learn about the Synfig code. I think he will be with us long time.
Pixelgeek: Windows binaries maintainer (regular contributor) monthly challenge keeper, forum & IRC support.
Status: Although his contributions are from release to release he is a long term contributing to the project.
Zelgadis: Packaging scripts coder, Infrastructure maintainer -wiki, forum, website-, forum support, IRC support (regular contributor)
Status: Long time contributor, expected for long Synfig Project support.
Genete: Chief coder, forum support, IRC support, release responsible.
Status: Long time contributor, expected for long Synfig Project support.
The reason for this post is for ask for help.
I have personal reasons to dedicate to my self my free time so I need someone who want to care about the Release procedure.
First thing to do is to update the wiki to what really it is being done. It doesn’t differ so much but there are some other tasks not reflected there. Second is to do some local exercise of debu
If someone is willing to help in that area please contact here. I will do my best to pass the stuff to him/her. Please take in mind that some kind of knowledge of Synfig code is needed. Also it is needed to have a Linux environment to be possible make the release easier.
Of course, any kind of help on any aspect is welcome.