
Hello, animating people.

I have always wanted to do animation with my computers and I have had quite a few along the way since 1984 with my first Apple Mac Plus.
I’m still mainly a Mac user (iMac now) but i’ve had a couple PC Laptops along the way too.

I used a 3D App. called ‘Animation Master’ for quite a few years, but their support for Macs dwindled to null, after Apple went with Intel CPU’s. Originally it was all Motorola’s.
AM is/was an Interesting program, as it was ‘Spline & Patch Based’ for creating characters but the animation function and rendering was excellent and I enjoyed using it for a long time.

I have now re-discovered “Synfig”, with it’s well improved version (1.2.0) and have done nothing but searching the forum here, reading the Docs & watching tutorials for the last few days and still have so much to learn.

I will probably have some questions soon.
Thank You

Hi ArtCraft welcome! :smiley:
I’m pretty sure that by now you already know about blender 3d it’s a great software and works on mac. I love vector animation too and I try to use synfig every time I can, still I need more practice but I’m for get in there. See you around.