Going livestreaming with synfig

going livestream wanna learn the secrets of animation how to make easy free cartoons and make money ;D. Follow me at my channel and find my livestream.

there is my link
and learn secrets of synfig and cartoon industry. be live in 30 minutes.

Edit BobSynfig:
Link to the channel: Grumix8 - YouTube


le doy clic en reproducir y me aparece un anuncio que dice “este vídeo no esta disponible”.

Edit BobSynfig:

I click play and a message appears saying “this video is not available”.

Por favor, utilice el español solo en la sección reservada del foro y el inglés para el resto.
Puedes usar Google Translate si no te sientes seguro en inglés. :wink:

You need to go on its Youtube channel to view the video as playback from another site has been deactivated.

Debe ir a su canal de Youtube para ver el video ya que la reproducción desde otro sitio ha sido desactivada.

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Thanks for the information, but how do I get the link for your channel?

Just under the error message, there is a link redirecting to the video on Youtube.
I added the link to the channel in the original post for more convenience.

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thanks for the link :relaxed: