General question on src\modules. Want to make VC 2005 file

Where these file are used? I am planning to make a Visual Studio 2003 or 2005 solution file for this. So I need the info on what module is used where.

Not sure what are you asking for.

src/modules holds all the modules that are used by synfig and synfigstudio to create the sif file.

Where are they used?

Probably they are used by both synfig and synfigstudio but not sure where are they invoqued. You can browse the source code or review the doxigen documentation based on the source code to see where they are used.


The modules supply loadable code to do layers, output targets, importers. The modules are loaded at runtime according to the contents of synfig_modules.cfg by libsynfig, which is loaded by synfig and synfigstudio. You can read the files to see how to build them. I don’t think automake can provide VC projects yet. Code layout:

src/synfig/ - libsynfig
src/tool/ - synfig command-line renderer
src/modules/*/ - modules, one plugin (DLL) per directory

Hey pabs! thanks for come to my rescue :wink:

Well I am not sure it does, any way I will try to create the sln file and post it here.
Just got confused browsing the code. Actually I tried creating the xref using the tool redhat source navigator. But could not find any reference to the classes in these modules. So asked out here. I mostly want to work on the rendering side or adding something like adding fluid gesture recognition kind of stuff if possible as thats the area of my interest.