From inkscape to synfig

Hello, I created a svg file with Inkscape 1.4, then save as → synfig animation (*.sif)
Importing this file into synfig→ results in a warning message (it’s not a big deal, I don’t plan to downgrade in version!)
“you are opening a file created in an old version of synfig. If you save this file with the current version, it may no longer open correctly in an older version of synfig »
But, in Synfig, I want to change the color of an element which results in:

  • Window 1: “The value node you are trying to edit belongs to a publication that appears not to be open. Open this composition and you should be able to modify this value. » ???
  • The cursor is a cross, and this window does not close
  • The ESC key makes it disappear but another one appears:
  • Window 2: “Unable to set all layer settings”
    As with window 1, it refuses to close, the ESC key makes it disappear, but window 1 reappears.
    Press ESC several times to close them and by moving the mouse (cursor in the shape of a cross), these windows re-appear.
    It’s the vicious circle! What is happening?

Only thing I know is that circles and squares created in inkscape has to be converted to shapes before export. The same for objects with path effects. Ive tried using the .sif fileformat but see no benefits using it over standard svg or inkscape svg. Creating groups is also easy to do in inkscape before importing to synfig.

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The text is too technical and obviously confusing for users.
In order to edit nested synfig files, Synfig requires they to be open (to be able to save the changes on the nested sif file).

@KonstantinDmitriev should we reword this message and… ask user if s/he wants to open/load the composition?