Forcing ETL namespace

I’m trying to help to improve Synfig, specially for user interface/usability issues - and performance.

However, I know the code has a long-dated legacy and ETL is always there in the way.
So, I started to look at it and now I’m trying to clean it up a bit.

My question here is: Is ETL used in another project besides Synfig? I want to remove the unused “ETL_FLAG_NONAMESPACE” and, together, force usage of ETL namespace directly by namespace etl {, instead of keeping the macro _ETL_BEGIN_NAMESPACE.

The Synfig-core makes use of “etl::” namespace directly, so I think this kind of macro useless.

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Hi @rodolforg! My name is Konstantin Dmitriev, I am maintainer of Synfig. Thank you for your interest and welcome to the project!

ETL is not used in any other project besides Synfig, so it is safe to do as you suggesting. Eventually, it will be nice to merge ETL into synfig-core to avoid extra build step. :slight_smile:

Nice :slight_smile:

Any chance of being merged?
So I’d change namespace after this PR in order to avoid merge conflicts.

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I am testing it now. Thank you! :slight_smile:

So it’s done :wink:

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