Finally deciding to introduce myself

Hello! My name is Vee, and I have been playing around with Synfig since December 2021. I’ve gotten involved in the crypto space and was assisting a NFT (non-fungible token) project, and decided to offer my services by animating several pieces of art in a collection by using Synfig.

I knew nothing about animation prior, and I do not know how to draw, so Synfig seemed like an easy way to animate raw assets and bring static artworks “to life”, so to speak. The reception has been decently positive.

I wish to continue exploring/learning about/using Synfig and I have generated some rudimentary Python scripts to assist me in my animations. I am a very big believer in open-source, and I have had the opportunity to sell some of my works - half of anything I make I intend to donate to the development funds of the tools I’ve used, including Synfig.

Only seems fair that I actually make an account and get to know the community behind the project, so I hope you’ll have me!
Thank you,


Hi Vee! It’s great to hear that you’ve been using Synfig to bring static artworks to life and that the reception has been positive so far.