File: "src\synfig\.libs\libsynfig-0.dll" -> no files found.

Hi. I am having problems building synfig on Windows using the mingw method. I am part way through building the core and I am getting this error:

Section: “un.Start Menu Shortcuts”
SetShellVarContext: All
Delete: “$SMPROGRAMS\Voria\Uninstall Synfig Core.lnk”
!include: “…\src\synfig\synfig.nsh”
Section: “Synfig Core”
SectionIn: [RO]
SetOutPath: “$INSTDIR\bin”
File: “src\synfig.libs\libsynfig-0.dll” -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] [/x filespec […]] filespec […] |
/oname=outfile one_file_only)
!include: error in script: “…\src\synfig\synfig.nsh” on line 10
Error in script “win32inst.nsi” on line 127 – aborting creation process
make: *** [package] Error 1

I think that this may be related to this:
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/Asa/synfig/build/synfig-core/win32build/src/synfig’
/bin/sh …/…/libtool --mode=link mingw32-g++ -DNDEBUG -O1 -W -Wall -LC:/GTK/lib -lole32 -no-undefined -Wl,–export-all-symbols -Wl,–subsystem=console -Wl,–enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc -o -rpath C:/PROGRA~1/Synfig/lib -export-dynamic -no-undefined -version-info 0:0:0 libsynfig_la-blinepoint.lo libsynfig_la-gradient.lo libsynfig_la-value.lo libsynfig_la-layer_bitmap.lo libsynfig_la-layer_composite.lo libsynfig_la-layer_duplicate.lo libsynfig_la-layer_mime.lo libsynfig_la-layer_motionblur.lo libsynfig_la-layer_pastecanvas.lo libsynfig_la-layer_polygon.lo libsynfig_la-layer_shape.lo libsynfig_la-layer_solidcolor.lo libsynfig_la-target_multi.lo libsynfig_la-target_null.lo libsynfig_la-target_null_tile.lo libsynfig_la-target_scanline.lo libsynfig_la-target_tile.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_add.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_anglestring.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_animated.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_atan2.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_bline.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_blinecalctangent.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_blinecalcvertex.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_blinecalcwidth.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_blinereversetangent.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_composite.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_const.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_cos.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_dotproduct.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_duplicate.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_dynamiclist.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_exp.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_gradientcolor.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_gradientrotate.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_greyed.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_integer.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_intstring.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_join.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_linear.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_log.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_radialcomposite.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_range.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_realstring.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_reciprocal.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_reference.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_repeat_gradient.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_scale.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_segcalctangent.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_segcalcvertex.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_sine.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_step.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_stripes.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_subtract.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_switch.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_timedswap.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_timeloop.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_timestring.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_twotone.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_vectorangle.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_vectorlength.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_vectorx.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode_vectory.lo libsynfig_la-activepoint.lo libsynfig_la-blur.lo libsynfig_la-canvas.lo libsynfig_la-color.lo libsynfig_la-context.lo libsynfig_la-curve_helper.lo libsynfig_la-curveset.lo libsynfig_la-distance.lo libsynfig_la-exception.lo libsynfig_la-gamma.lo libsynfig_la-guid.lo libsynfig_la-importer.lo libsynfig_la-keyframe.lo libsynfig_la-layer.lo libsynfig_la-loadcanvas.lo libsynfig_la-main.lo libsynfig_la-module.lo libsynfig_la-mutex.lo libsynfig_la-node.lo libsynfig_la-palette.lo libsynfig_la-paramdesc.lo libsynfig_la-polynomial_root.lo libsynfig_la-rect.lo libsynfig_la-renddesc.lo libsynfig_la-render.lo libsynfig_la-savecanvas.lo libsynfig_la-surface.lo libsynfig_la-target.lo libsynfig_la-time.lo libsynfig_la-timepointcollect.lo libsynfig_la-transform.lo libsynfig_la-uniqueid.lo libsynfig_la-valuenode.lo libsynfig_la-waypoint.lo libsynfig_la-listimporter.lo …/…/libltdl/ -Lc:/GTK/lib -lxml+±2.6 -lxml2 -lglibmm-2.4 -lgobject-2.0 -lsigc-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl -luser32 -Lc:/GTK/lib -lsigc-2.0
rm -fr .libs/libsynfig.a .libs/ .libs/libsynfig.lai

*** Warning: linker path does not have real file for library -lole32.
*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when
*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a
*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have
*** because I did check the linker path looking for a file starting
*** with libole32 and none of the candidates passed a file format test
*** using a file magic. Last file checked: C:/mingw/lib//libole32.a

*** Warning: linker path does not have real file for library -lxml+±2.6.
*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when
*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a
*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have
*** because I did check the linker path looking for a file starting
*** with libxml+±2.6 and none of the candidates passed a file format test
*** using a file magic. Last file checked: /c/GTK/bin/libxml+±2.6.dll.lnk

*** Since this library must not contain undefined symbols,
*** because either the platform does not support them or
*** it was explicitly requested with -no-undefined,
*** libtool will only create a static version of it.
rm -fr .libs/libsynfig.lax
mkdir .libs/libsynfig.lax

The dynamic library is not being built according to this. I have checked the files that it is referencing and they exist but there is obviously something wrong in the build cycle.

Does anyone have any ideas what the problems are and how I can fix this?


Log file attached.
make_core.log (486 KB)

I don’t know why it isn’t working. I can tell you that I have an OLE32.dll file in c:\windows\system32, and a libole32.a file in c:\MinGW\lib - if that’s any help.


Thanks Chris.

Do you know if these error messages appear in the windows build normally (i.e. is this the cause of my problem). Maybe someone can post the build output from a successful build for each of the stages, that way I can diff them and see where the problem might be coming from.

Does your build create this “src\synfig.libs\libsynfig-0.dll” file? Is it the “.a” or “.la”? Do you know what line in the build creates this library?

.la I believe.

is the result of ‘ > core.log’ for SVN 2030. I haven’t logged anything more recent than that, I’m afraid.


Hey I think I encounter this error before. Anyway why are we using this old building method for windows instead of developing a new one? The old one suck entirely.

Yeah - how’s that going?


Not very well I can’t seem to get it to find the files it needed. It been developed in linux manly, so I need someone one who can reprogram to find files in windows.