Faq : Why synfig doesn't use SVG format?

Have added an entry to the faq, can i have a feedback before approve it… ?

[i]Svg file format come from [w3c.org World Wide Web Consortium] , they try take care of standards around the big net…i’m not convicted that creating animated svg , they think in term of film quality animation … what synfig aim to produce … in other terms, .sif is more than animated .svg

Work has been done to implement Cairo render to Synfig that eventually would allow to export without too much effort to SVG as well as to PDF and others back ends. It is very simple to add SVG export just coding a similar exporter like the current PNG one. Anyone want to code that SVG exporter?

Always taking in mind that you’ll loose some native Synfig goodies in the process. Export to SVG (animated or not) would’nt be a great feature to have, although you loose some features. [/i]

wiki.synfig.org/wiki/index.php?t … ldid=17823

I see the article good enough for a FAQ list.

You probably mean that it would be a great feature to have, despite the loss of some (synfig-only) features. :slight_smile: I for one would love an svg export possibility from within Synfig whether it’s restricted and animated or not, because I make most of my drawings, animated and or stills, in Synfig and it would be nice to have some kind of vector output instead of going back to Inkscape and reproduce the drawing all over.


Proposition :
Export to SVG (animated or not) would’nt be a great feature to have, although you loose some features.

replaced by:
Export to SVG (animated or not) could be a great feature to have (in terms of workflow / open format support), although you loose some features.

“lose” rather than “loose”
“to lose” is to mislay something.
“to loose” is rarely used, but means to unleash something, as in ‘let loose’.
I find many Americans cannot tell the difference. It drives me crazy.

thank"s for returns!.. faq updated.