Export to Lottie Format throwing an Assertion Error

I used Inkscape to draw some .SVG files, and exported them to .SIF files.

I then imported these .SIF files into synfig studio, made an animation, and tried to export to lottie. Instead of it working, I got the pop-up below.

Under canvas, I have it set to 60 frames per second, and it is 360 frames long, (so 5 seconds). Any advice or help with what is going on?

I am able to make a .avi file with my animation. Using windows 10.

Hello Sayse,
Would you be able to share your .sif file?

I tried to upload it, but I was told that new users cannot upload attachments.

I did get it working though. If I imported multiple .sif files that I made in Inkscape, it caused the lottie extension to break. But only importing one .sif file that I made in inkscape doesn’t cause the error. Let me know if you still want the file if this is something you want to investigate.

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Hi i am new to this software wish to create lottie files but i found the same error can you give me the/that fix

Hi i am new to this software wish to create lottie files but i found the same error can you give me that fix

Meanwhile, you can provide a link to a file stored a Google Drive/ OneDrive / Dropbox / etc. :slight_smile:
@mg3994 you can share the same way for @AnishG investigate it.

Send links at manishgautammg7@gmail.com

I meant you could provide an example file that you can’t export to Lottie format. :slight_smile: