Did Synfig code changed anything about how to handle GUID attributes?

In late August I released an “Animated Text” plugin that I thought worked fine but now it doesn’t… after some tests I found out that the problem is with the GUID attribute inside a waypoint definition, for instance:

          <param name="amount">
            <animated type="real">
              <waypoint time="0s" before="clamped" after="clamped">
                <real guid="18FED5A400007FF81918F83E00007FF8" value="0.0000000000"/>

As GUIDs must be different and I didn’t know how to create them on the fly, I tested to leave the attribute blank guid="" and let the parser to add them. As far as I remember it worked and different GUIDs were created for each element. Now it doesn’t behave the same and it just creates an unique GUID value which makes waypoints to hold the same value and therefore don’t animate the parameter.
This is what I’m getting now:

          <param name="amount">
            <animated type="real">
              <waypoint time="0s" before="clamped" after="clamped">
                <real guid="18FED5A400007FF81918F83E00007FF8" value="0.0000000000"/>
              <waypoint time="2s" before="clamped" after="clamped">
                <real guid="18FED5A400007FF81918F83E00007FF8" value="0.0000000000"/>

So, Did Synfig code changed anything about how to handle GUID attributes or it never did?
In addition to that, I tested not to add the attribute at all, this way the .sif file works, I mean, the layer and waypoints are added and seem to work but I’m not happy leaving it like this because Synfig adds them if you create the waypoints inside the timeline.

Any idea?

ping @rodolforg @ice0

Hey there,

I am no developer, but I’ve been manipulating Synfig waypoints through my Perl scripts for a long time and I never had any troubles with waypoints missing guids.

I am pretty confident that they don’t do anything and are created just to be future proof but currently not utilized. So I say, just omit the guid attribute, there’s no harm in that.

AFAIK, GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is only needed when you want to link parameters or valuenodes without exporting them.

When you create a circle via Circle Tool with region and outline layers, they use the same spline to define their shapes. So the spline vertex list valuenode has a GUID set.


Thank you for your answers.

I end up guessing that they are not needed as I found the way to include them in the .sif files but if I “resaved” the file in Synfig, even without doing any change, they got removed… so I guessed they are not needed in the context of simple waypoints…
