Development Report (Sep 13 - Jan 24)
Happy new year everyone!
It has been some time since the last report. Hopefully, future reports will be more consistent.
Here are the latest development updates:
- Changed convert.exe syntax to avoid clash in Windows (#3416)
- Fixed Lottie export failure with Japanese locale setting in Windows (#3419)
- Fixed convert.exe directory and missing extension (#3421)
- Fixed clang build (and bump macOS version) (#3438)
- Upgraded MLT version from ‘7.2.0’ to ‘7.28.0’ under MSYS2 environment (#3437)
- Fixed uninitialized var and mixed declaration/definition of class (#3435)
- Fixed an issue with the color/gradient dialog editing the parameter that opened itself (#3373)
- Fixed an issue in resetting of bonesetup size in WorkArea (#3380)
- Handling (Radial)Composite valuenodes via Widget_Curves (#3428)
- Fixed an issue of not being able to edit color or gradient of multiple layers (regression) (#3470)
- Fixed Bailout parameter in Julia Set Layer - it was ignored in previous versions (#3465)
- Avoid macro in header file of ValueNode_Composite (#3429)
- Rename setup and help-about actions - preparing to macOS (#3195)
- refactor: Filesystem::remove_recursive() uses Path (#3364)
- Simpler gradient render task declarations (#3301)
- Added move constructor and move assignment operator to ValueDesc (#3150)
- Minor cleanup on Plant layer (#3452)
Chores, and CI:
- Fixed various typos (#3443)
- Resolved error when build dir cannot be removed after previous (failed) run (#3450)
- Added workflow to automatically generate release notes for GitHub releases (#3392)
- Added a bot automatically showing contributors how their pull requests affect the release notes (#3393)
- fixed an issue with show-pr-change-note not working with prs from forks (#3453)
- Updated .gitignore to exclude build files (#3466)